CPod Tools are a set of python scripts for ChinesePod users (mainly premium users) with an user interface for OSX 10.4.

Ignoring words during import

CPodTools Ignore options

When exporting my vocab from CPod I don't want to deselect all the tag checkboxes. I just export all the vocab. To avoid duplicates in my IFlash deck I added the Ignore words in file option in the Conversion Options panel. It takes a text file with each vocab entry to ignore on one line. Take care that the file has to be encoded in UTF-16.

During the conversion of a transcript, vocab or expansion sentences the field that you chose to output as first field will be searched in that wordlist. If found the whole entry will be ignored.

You can quickly open the ignore file by clicking the small square button on the right.

The wordlist is easily created from IFlash:

  1. In IFlash click File - Export
  2. Enter %1 in the card template to export only the first side:
    IFlash Export
  3. Click Export
    The exported file should look like this:

In CpodTools then check Ignore words in file and choose the created file as the ignore list.